Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation

Climate Change

Waheeba (Sun) Energy Project

The project combined three solar PV installation projects at the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation (ANSN) west of Edmonton with community engagement and on-the-job training and work experience.

The installations took place on the Nation’s daycare, band office and pow wow arbor – all highly visible and accessible to the entire community. These projects provided a visible reminder of ANSN’s ongoing commitment to local economic empowerment that aligned with stewardship of the natural world.

The project built on ongoing efforts to develop local expertise and capacity in the solar PV energy sector. The projects will conclude with a community education and celebration highlighting understanding and appreciation of these efforts towards sustainable living that are aligned with the Nation’s values.

Through engagement with community members, Elders and Leaders, the members of ANSN were able to apply energy reduction strategies in their personal lives, as well as in their business and other activities conducted by the Nation.

The Waheeba (Sun) Energy Project is connected to the Yellowhead Tribal Development Foundation’s 2018 EcoCity Edmonton grant to deliver Indigenous youth jobs training courses in clean energy. Two of the students who took the training course have been hired to complete the solar installation at ANSN, their home Nation.