
Climate Change

Revitalizing Re-Energy

Re-Energy, GreenLearning’s most popular and longest running program demystifies renewable energy and energy efficiency technology by engaging youth to build their own working models of a wind turbine, hydro electric generator, biogas generator and a solar oven. Youth get the opportunity to play with the technology in a hands on way while improving skills in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), encouraging an innovation mind-set and demonstrating career pathways in emerging areas.


Alberta is Canada’s energy province and can continue to lead through an investment in a combination of strategies, including continually expanding Alberta’s position as a leader in renewable technologies, but also innovations that lead to improved efficiency and conservation measures (i.e in transmission), electrification, and energy storage. These fields will require a large number of tradespeople, engineers, innovators and entrepreneurs in the near and far future yet there are very few training programs available today for adults, and even fewer for students. We must ensure youth understand the environmental and economic arguments for engaging in a path to a low carbon future, and that they have the skills to play a leading role.


The grant from Alberta Ecotrust enables GreenLearning to upgrade to better serve educators and youth, and expand to include new learning modules on electric vehicles and energy storage. Green Learning will work with People for Energy and Environmental Literacy (PEEL) to upgrade and expand Re-Energy to build on our success in engaging Alberta’s youth in understanding the full suite of strategies on the path to a low carbon future. 


Beyond the benefits to youth, Re-Energy aims to have a direct impact on GHG emissions and energy conservation. By normalizing energy efficient behaviours and low carbon choices, Re-Energy aims to create a generation of Energy Managers and consumers that contribute directly to a low carbon future. Through action activities, participants in Re-Energy will choose and act upon key energy efficiency behaviours and low carbon choices, and report on their progress.