Support this work

Our work would not be possible without the support of our incredible donors and community. Funds raised are used to maintain and expand our grants and initiatives while ensuring an equitable and just future for all Albertans.

Start Donating Today

Donate as often as you’d like, whether that is once, monthly or annually, your contribution is still valuable.

We encourage you to sign up for monthly donations because it is more affordable, convenient, and consistent. Plus, monthly donations give us more stability, which helps us have an even bigger impact in your community.

Together, we’ll turn brilliant ideas into positive community projects that solve multiple challenges at once.

Alberta Ecotrust

Healthy Ecosystems for all Albertans

Main Office

Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
Suite 250, 305 10 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 0W2

P: 403.209.2245

Charitable Registration No. 13502 9825 RR0001

Icon of arrows moving up to the right in a wave shape.

How is donating to Alberta Ecotrust different?

When you contribute to Alberta Ecotrust, you don’t have to choose between saving a watershed, defending parks, or reducing carbon emissions. We strive to protect Alberta’s ecosystems in all facets by funding a variety of projects that make a lasting impact.

Plus, when you donate to Alberta Ecotrust, you will:

  • Get updates that show where your donation goes, so you can be confident that you are authentically making a difference in your local area and across Alberta.

  • Get exclusive access to events, like sessions at our Environmental Gathering, so you can meet, learn, and collaborate with your community.

  • Get invited to our focus groups and surveys, so you can help shape our priorities and future work.

Your donation makes a difference

See the impact of this work and read our annual reports, which would not be possible without the support of our community.

See our impact

What our community is saying

  • “I have been a monthly donor to Alberta Ecotrust for 5 years. There are three reasons I am compelled to give. First, having spent most of my career working in the non-profit sector I understand the value of reliable monthly donations to support ongoing operations. Second, a donation to Alberta Ecotrust is one that also supports a wide range of non-profit organizations doing important work in our province on climate action, water and landscape conservation. Third, I believe in the incredible team of people who make up Alberta Ecotrust and it is a pleasure to play a small part in supporting their work. It feels good to give!”
    Rachelle Haddock, Monthly Donor
  • "Alberta Ecotrust is a unique and a valuable resource to ensure many different organizations can address and take action on their project or area of concern. I  appreciate the work that Alberta Ecotrust does to bring  people and ideas from across the province together to learn from one another and share ideas. Many thanks!”-
    Andrea Hlady, Monthly Donor