Cities IPCC Legacy Research Grant

This program is now complete. Read on to learn about the research results.

Program Partners


The City of Edmonton, with support from Alberta Ecotrust, partnered from 2019 to 2021 to deliver research grants to help advance knowledge about how Edmonton can become an energy sustainable and climate resilient city.

Learn more about the CIF Grant Program

In March 2018, the City of Edmonton hosted the inaugural Cities and Climate Change Science Conference (CitiesIPCC), attracting over 800 scientists, researchers and policy-makers to the city.

An outcome of this event was a research agenda, the Global Research and Action Agenda on Cities and Climate Change Science, that compiled an inventory of research and knowledge gaps critical for cities to make policy, growth and investment decisions.

This Global Research Agenda includes six different topic areas: Urban Planning and Design; Built and Blue/ Green Infrastructure; Sustainable Consumption and Production; Finance; and Uncertainty and Informality.

After the close of the conference, Edmonton created the CitiesIPCC Legacy Research Grant program to support research that would aid Edmonton in its science-based, climate-related decisions for both mitigating greenhouse gas emissions as well as to help the City to adapt to a changing climate. The City of Edmonton, with support from Alberta Ecotrust, partnered from 2019 to 2021 to deliver the research grants.

While this grant is no longer available, Alberta Ecotrust now offers the Climate Innovation Fund (CIF) grant program. This program targets the major urban greenhouse gas emissions sources in Edmonton, and aims to support a broad range of climate positive interventions while ensuring an equitable and just future for all Albertans.

Projects supported through the program may cover a diverse range of activities, from technology demonstration to collective impact and policy advancement.

What the program partners are saying

  • “As we advance our work to address climate challenges and risks, it is important that our decisions are science-based. Having a local, on-the-ground understanding of the best ways for Edmonton to adapt to and mitigate climate change is invaluable for the City of Edmonton."
    Amarjeet Sohi, mayor, City of Edmonton
  • “For three years, this grant program has advanced local knowledge on climate change and helped contribute to the goals in the City of Edmonton’s climate action plans. In its final year, the program is providing support to three unique projects that help Edmonton adapt and thrive in the face of a changing climate."
    Rod Ruff, vice president, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation

Related projects

Explore a showcase of projects that we've funded.

  • Evacuations and Resilience Hubs Preparing Edmonton for Extreme Events and Climate Change

    City of Edmonton


  • Mobilizing climate research to enhance resilience

    City of Edmonton


  • Assessment of wildfire risks and hazards using crowdsensing

    City of Edmonton


  • Analyzing urban heat islands with land use changes

    School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Alberta
