Alberta Ecotrust Retrofit Accelerator

Alberta Ecotrust Retrofit Accelerator

Guiding your sustainable building upgrades


The Alberta Ecotrust Retrofit Accelerator program is dedicated to reducing emissions from Alberta’s existing buildings by making sustainable upgrades, known as deep retrofits, more accessible to building owners and managers. We understand the challenges of prioritizing sustainable upgrades, and we're here to help.

A deep retrofit is a holistic approach to upgrading a building's systems and infrastructure to reduce emissions, energy consumption and operating costs.

Program Services

We identify and minimize barriers to deep retrofits and offer free coaching services for building owners and managers to help them through the process.

Free coaching services for building owners and managers

Our team of coaches works directly with program participants to:

  • Provide day-to-day assistance throughout retrofit planning, design and implementation.

  • Develop retrofit plans tailored to unique needs, barriers and budgets.

  • Identify ways to integrate retrofits into a building’s regular upkeep schedule.

  • Uncover the benefits and potential cost-savings associated with retrofits.

  • Explore various funding, financing and grant options.

  • Provide partial funding for studies like energy assessments and business case development.

Two people sitting across a table talking
Icon of a pencil writing on a clipboard.

Are You Eligible?

Your building(s) MUST be located in Alberta and meet the program's eligibility criteria to apply for our free coaching services.

Eligible buildings:

  • Multi-unit residential buildings

  • Commercial buildings

  • Municipalities, universities, schools, and hospitals

NOT eligible buildings:

  • Single-family or detached homes

  • Duplexes

  • Fourplexes

  • Row houses

  • Townhouses

  • Industrial buildings

  • Any buildings outside of Alberta

Get Involved

While this program officially launches this fall, we encourage interested building owners and managers to reach out to our coaches to see how we can start working together before the program’s launch.

Contact our coaches today

The Impact of Deep Retrofits on Buildings

Reducing Carbon Emissions

In Edmonton and Calgary, buildings account for 40 to 60 percent of emissions. Deep retrofits significantly reduce buildings' carbon emissions by integrating renewable energy, upgrading to high-efficiency systems, and improving insulation.

Lowering Building Expenses

Deep retrofits improve a building's overall energy efficiency, minimize operational and maintenance costs, and enhance it's long-term value and sustainability.

Together with industry partners, we are:

  • Building a network to help reduce emissions from existing buildings in Alberta at a larger scale through capacity building, training, peer-to-peer networking and research

  • Developing market assessment and gap analysis of deep retrofits and sharing research to help support the adoption of deep retrofits across Alberta.

  • Expanding Alberta Ecotrust’s Emissions-Neutral Buildings Information Exchange (ENBIX) to include events, training, and research related to deep energy retrofit topics.

Buildings with a blue sky and trees

Our Funders

Our Network


A path with trees and grass and Calgary's cityscape in the background

Making sustainable building upgrades more attainable

We are committed to making deep retrofits more attainable and creating an environment where they can become an ordinary part of building management and maintenance for building owners and managers.