Three boxes of soap m ade with carbon captured by Carbon Capture Unit

Carbon Capture for Nonprofits

Alberta Ecotrust has partnered with CleanO2 to launch the Carbon Capture for Nonprofits pilot project.

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Alberta Ecotrust and technology provider CleanO2 partnered to install CarbinX™ units in the buildings of nonprofit organizations such as the Excel Society in Edmonton. This program helps nonprofits reduce their energy costs while concurrently reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the community.

The Carbon Capture for Nonprofits Pilot Program

Are you a nonprofit in Alberta looking to reduce emissions, lower costs and improve building performance?

Energy conservation measures can help reduce a nonprofit’s environmental footprint while also improving their financial resilience through lower overall operating costs.

Finding ways to reduce energy use in buildings can be time-consuming and expensive, making it difficult for nonprofits to lower their operating costs. Carbon capture and storage units can be used to rapidly reduce building energy use and emissions.

That is why Alberta Ecotrust has partnered with CleanO2, to launch the Carbon Capture for Nonprofits pilot project.

This program works with nonprofits, charities and social housing organizations in Calgary and Edmonton to install the CARBiN-X unit in their building so they can reduce emissions, lower costs and improve building performance.

The CarbinX™ Solution

CarbinX™ units capture carbon dioxide emissions from building heating systems and turn them into non-toxic pearl ash (potassium carbonate). The heat from the exhaust, as well as the exothermic reaction within the unit is recovered and used, resulting in lower natural gas consumption.

CleanO2 upcycles the pearl ash into cleaning products, thus creating the world’s first carbon capture soap. This innovative product is available for consumers to purchase.

The first installation of the CarbinX™ units took place at the Excel Society in Edmonton in 2023. It is estimated that the building will reduce 6 t CO2e/Unit/year of natural gas emissions and capture another 5 t CO2e/Unit/year.

Get Involved

Are you a nonprofit in Calgary or Edmonton? Does your organization own your building or have a long-term lease? You may be a fit for the Carbon Capture for Nonprofits pilot project. We’d love to hear from you. Contact Adil Shivji, Program Specialist, Alberta Ecotrust Foundation, at to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you to our pilot project partner

Clean O2 logo

CleanO2 has developed an innovative modular solution, the CARBiN-X unit, capable of reducing building heating system emissions by at least 20%. R&D initiatives are expected to reach 40% emission reductions, with implementation projected in the next year. Further to direct carbon capture, they also reduce overall building energy demands by 20% through utilizing heat recovery associated with the technology. The CleanO2 business model not only includes free preventative maintenance for their customers but also helps contribute to the creation of valuable products (such as soaps and detergents) made from the up-cycled and permanently sequestered CO2. 

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About the Climate Innovation Fund

This project is possible with funding from Alberta Ecotrust's Climate Innovation Fund. The Climate Innovation Fund targets the major urban greenhouse gas emissions sources in Calgary and Edmonton.

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